Music and sound effects for casino games




Some games we’ve worked on

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Who We Are


At Casino Music and Sound, we create original music and sound effects for casino games.  Our expertise in music composition, sound design, audio engineering, and directing voice-over talent intersects with our passion for games to create an exhilarating experience for gamblers across the world.  

What sets us apart from many other audio production facilities is our decision to focus solely on casino games.  This allows us to stay up to date with the latest in casino game mechanics, and all of the trends in the industry, old and new.

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What We Do



Music can make or break a casino game. Our team of highly skilled composers and musicians bring years of experience, music degrees, and passion to every project. We deliver music that moves people, and we deliver it on time.



A substantial amount of audio engineering goes into making a casino game successful. When you are dealing with dozens, or sometimes hundreds of audio files, it's important each one is mixed correctly, is free of artifacts, and is ready to be implemented into software. Whether its an online game in HTML5, or a physical EGM built in Unity, we have the audio engineering expertise to make every game sound its absolute best- regardless of the platform it is built on.


Anyone who has heard an iconic jackpot bell screaming across the casino floor can attest to the importance of sound design in slot machines. We create original sound effects to make your game pop, shimmer, whooosh, explode, and/or glisten with heavenly bliss.


Voice-Over Recording

We work with some of the best voice-over talent in the business. Many successful slot games utilize voice-overs to make certain game mechanics more clear to the player, or to amp up the energy during win celebrations. We meticulously direct voice-over talent to make sure every syllable is enunciated perfectly, and is recorded with the correct energy level to support each game.

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